1. Download XEBRA (go to the bottom of the page and click on XEBRA FOR PC), PK201 (go to the bottom of the page and click on the first image of Toro sleeping), PocketStation BIOS, the game's ROM, and unzip all of them.

  2. Go to the PocketStation BIOS folder, cut J110.bin, paste it on PK201's folder, and rename it to KROM (not KROM.bin, make sure to not leave any extensions).

  3. Cut all the files inside PK201's folder (including the KROM) and paste them inside XEBRA's folder

  4. Run PK201.exe, and do the following:

  5. Before opening XEBRA itself, it's important to know that the emulator itself is in Japanese by default, so to change it, do the following:

  6. Open XEBRA.exe and before running anything, go to View > Video Output and then: Check "Use OpenGL", "Nearest" and "Progressive", with both the Drawing Skip and Display Skip to 1, and leave the rest unchecked (last steps mostly to prevent a weird ghost afterimage to happen).

  7. Go to File > Open > CD-ROM Image... and select the .bin file contained within your DDI folder, it should run automatically.

  8. Now you can start the game, choose your Pokepi, select your information, and wait for the Pocketstation to format. If a "Pocketstation card is not formatted." message appears, simply press the confirm button (O) and it should format itself in-game.

  9. And then, if done correctly, your chosen Pokepi will enter the room, introduce themselves, and now you're free to play the game and enjoy The Authentic DDI Experience.