- Spring has come~♪
- Spring has come~♪
- Where did~ I come~♪
- I've come to the mountains~♪
- I've come to the △△~♪
- I've also come to the ▽▽~♪
- A fleeting moment of sunshine between the rainy season...
- The scent of hydrangeas is slightly △△-like...
- I moved my face closer, and said hello to the snail!
- Went to the big △△ fireworks display!
- Seven-colored illuminations burst into the sky!
- I also want to glow and fly away like that someday too...♥
- Autumn. Autumn leaves. Tea.
- Uncle next to me says, "△△".
- The words of people who have lived a long life carry weight.
- Autumn harvest.
- Mr. Scarecrow, I really appreciate your efforts.
- You're already worn out with your battle with △△.
- A winter town.
- Remembering someone I miss.
- I wonder if they could've become a △△...
- I wonder if his chronic ▽▽ has healed...
- Even though we will never meet again...