- Aaah, I ate and I ate.
- I ate to my heart's content!
- We all need days like this sometimes, right?★
- Energy recharged to 120%!!
- There are words that can only be said when you're drunk.
- There are many of them in the world.
- So, are there any connection between Genghis Khan
- and jingisukan...?
- Japanese food seems to be good for your health.
- Sushi, sashimi...
- Tempura...
- Fujiyama...
- It's delicious!
- "Miss, here's a gift from me."
- He said as he gave me a glass of wine♪
- Hehe, did I do it yet again?
- Beauty is a sin...
- Today's lunch was the restaurant's special,
- △△ Burger.
- ...But why "△△"?
- Well, it's delicious, so it doesn't matter.
- Bathhouses are great...
- Sometimes I want to relax in a large bathtub
- and just forget about △△ and ▽▽.
- Gallium springs are effective♥
- A blissful moment after getting out of the bath.
- If only I could feel like this all the time...
- Life is rosy!
- Happy and lucky!!
- It kinda feels like that...
- Long time ago, I cried in the bathroom all night.
- I used three rolls of toilet paper.
- I apologize for not being eco-friendly...
- A sudden poof and I happen to be in a restaurant bar.
- △△ was playing inside the bar...
- And I thought about all sorts of things...
- I wonder why ▽▽ is so quiet...
- It was my first time at this restaurant.
- Isn't 300 yen for △△ cheap!?
- And it was really delicious!
- I say that I decided to go there once a week?
- I found a store that's perfect for my hobbies.
- I brought a △△ for his month, even though I'm in a tight spot.
- Don't tell □□□!
- They'll tell me I'm wasting money again...
- We drank until morning.
- At dawn, even the most boring stuff make us
- burst out laughing.
- Just saying "At times like that, △△..."
- made them laugh so hard.
- It's really strange.
- Went to a best friend's wedding.
- It was a day when I seriously thought that it
- was time for me to be on the receiving end of
- a wedding gift.
- Went to the dentist.
- The hell you're saying?!
- You goddamn idiot!
- If you can find it, find it!
- ...As expected of Jun, not a single cavity!
- Phew♥
- My △△ were not feeling well, so I went to the hospital.
- Huh...? C-Could it be ▽▽?
- Y-You're kidding, right, Doctor?!!
- ...You were kidding.
- Round and round.
- Spinning round.
- Spinning waaay more than usual!
- Urgh...
- I feel a bit sick...
- Tomorrow's Jun.
- The day after tomorrow's Jun.
- I wonder what she's even doing...
- △△?
- ▽▽?
- Whatever it may be, I want to leave behind
- proof that I'm alive.
- A mountain of magazines piled up at the front door.
- Hahh... I have to get rid of them quick...
- The loneliness of living alone really hits your soul.
- Someday...
- I'd like to write □□□'s autobiography.
- Things about △△ that day...
- Things about ▽▽ at that time...
- There are quite a few things to write about.
- Suddenly, I look back to my past self.
- That night I can never go back to.
- That me from that day I can never go back to.
- All for one.
- One for all.
- That's what they say, but it's not easy to
- put it into action.
- God...
- When I see people bragging, it makes me incredibly mad...
- If I keep this up, will I turn into a △△...?
- There are times when you can't help no matter
- how much you care.
- No matter how much you worry about △△ or ▽▽,
- there's nothing you can do.
- I just realized that this afternoon.
- On the way back home from △△.
- I discovered a stylish restaurant!
- Maybe next time, I should bring □□□ with me.
- □□□...
- That's a pretty good name.
- Someday when Jun has a child...
- Maybe I should name them □□□...
- Just kidding!★
- Just a little bit...
- □□□ looks just like the △△ I used to know...
- □□□ seems exhausted lately...
- Even if I suddenly say "△△!"...
- They don't laugh...
- The afternoon sunshine shining through the window.
- An everyday life filled with ordinary happiness and boredom...
- On days like these, I recall that person...
- Just tried to talk like a leisurely △△.
- Love is as beautiful as △△...
- Love is as fragrant as ▽▽...
- ...The hell!?
- Am I a poet!?
- Sometimes you just have to eat something extravagant!
- See, isn't this what celebrities experience?
- Graah!!
- △△-style ▽▽ is so good!♥
- It was a joke, but it wasn't taken as one...
- And we got into a serious argument...
- I wonder why they didn't understand...
- There would be no reason to me to say that seriously...
- Cried, laughed, got angry, was happy,
- and passed through another day today.
- I guess this is something to be glad at...
- Went to a popular restaurant that was featured in "△△"
- I thought the ▽▽ was a bit expensive, but it was delicious!
- 85 points.
- I thought I was doing a good thing, but...
- I was told, "You're bothering me!"
- A small kindness is a big bother...
- I hate those words...
- Would I be happy if I could live my life doing
- only what I want to do?
- I realized that even when things are difficult,
- there are still many precious memories.
- I don't get along with △△ after all.
- Because...
- They say that they like ▽▽...
- I'll just read the sports paper and change my mood...
- Come on, □□□, you're late! Too late!!
- Or so I thought, but it turns out I got the place
- and time wrong...
- Got in a shared △△.
- I offered my seat to a ▽▽, and they were very happy.
- I was happy too.
- Everyone around me was smiling.
- What was my score today?
- I thought I'd give myself a score every day.
- By the way, today I got 98 points!
- Because dinner was △△♥