- Added more 39 entries to Ricky's PICTURE DIARY.
- Added a new Japanese tab for the already translated entires, for convinience. (Ricky only)
- Revised some parts and squashed some typos.
04/02/2025 - DIARY UPDATE PART 1: JUN
- Added more 59 entries to Jun's PICTURE DIARY.
- Added a new Japanese tab for the already translated entires, for convinience. (Jun only)
- Revised some parts and squashed some typos.
09/01/2025 - PIERRE UPDATE
- Pierre is now real. (+ 29 entries and 2 topics [INTRO, FIRE])
08/01/2025 - IT LIVES UPDATE
- The entire website is fancy new. Took only 3 whole months.
- Currently in progress of adding (almost) all of picture diaries in DDIPSP. Progress tracked in the BULLETIN BOARD.
- Couple more topics for both Ricky and Jun (PARALYSIS, DECEMBER, STRESS).
- Choice jumping abilities temporarily unavaliable.
- CONSCIOUSNESS (Suzuki) and VALENTINES (Jun) temporarily unavaliable.
- SUZUKI STATION (WTS episode) temporarily unavaliable.