After a certain "conversation" quota is reached within a day, each Pokepi writes a picture diary entry.
SPECIAL: Appears in important route events, such as the first day and endings. [7/7 ENTRIES]
HOLIDAY: Appears when the current game time coincides with a holiday. [6/7 ENTRIES]
SEASONAL: Appears depending on the current season that the game time falls on. [6/6 ENTRIES]
STANDARD: Appears if none of the previous conditions apply. [21/49 ENTRIES]
DRAWING: Same as STANDARD, but it features a drawing instead of a picture. [12/28 ENTRIES]
MULTIPLAYER: Appears in the game's built-in multiplayer, where one's Pokepi can meet another player's Pokepi. [18/34 ENTRIES]
□□□: Player's name.
■■■: Other player's name. (multiplayer only)
△△: Taught word 1.
▽▽: Taught word 2.